Our Mission

Join the DC Return, Refund and Recycle Coalition

The DC Environmental Network (DCEN), founded in 1996 — is working toward a vision of rebuilding Washington, DC’s neighborhoods, and communities for long-term economic and environmental sustainability — accomplishing this by protecting, restoring, and enhancing, the Capital City’s urban environment.

  • DCEN meetings, briefings, networking, and special events! 
  • DCEN Green Budget Campaign
  • DCEN Zero-Waste Campaign
  • DCEN Climate Campaign
  • DCEN Healthy Rivers, Trees, & Wildlife Advocacy

The DC Environmental Network has been a leader in efforts to to make sure our nation's capital city does what is necessary to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. Our engagement on urban forestry, wildlife, zero-waste, clean rivers, and energy issues, will always prioritize reducing carbon emissions and preparing for the worst impacts of climate change.

DCEN has led and will continue to lead education and advocacy efforts in support of environmental and economic sustainability in the District. Our primary focuses include: 


The Climate Crisis

DC Environmental Network

DCEN Campaigns

Earn Cash. Cut Trash.#DCBottleBillNow

The DC Return, Refund and Recycle Coalition, co-founded by DCEN, Sierra Club DC Chapter, and others, is a growing coalition of environmental and community groups campaigning for the establishment of a return-refund-recycle system, otherwise called a bottle bill, in the District of Columbia. Bottle bills already dramatically reduce litter and pollution in 10 U.S. states and could be implemented in DC.

Learn more and join our campaign here!